Deer Mountain Subdivision Road District is issuing a request for proposals for contractors interested in providing road maintenance and snow removal services for the District. Interested firms should send an email to [email protected] to receive the specific criteria and work requirements. Requests must be received by August 15, 2024. Proposals will be reviewed by the District trustees during the semi-annual meeting on September 3, 2024.
DMSRD ROAD WORK CRITERIA - PDF The District has just been informed a water line was hit. Repairs are underway but plan for a couple hours of no water.
Notice is hereby given that there is one (1) vacancy on the Board of Trustees for the Deer Mountain Sanitary District for a three (3) year term. This open position has been served by Oz Enderby, and that term is complete. Petitions may be picked up by contacting the Lawrence County Auditors Office or [email protected]. Per SDCL 34A-5-21.2, to serve as a trustee of a sanitary district, the person shall be a resident of the sanitary district. Completed petitions must contain the name of candidate, residence, business address, and the office for which the candidate is named and shall be signed by at least 5%, of the qualified voters. Completed petitions must be returned to Clerk at the address below. The deadline for submitting the petitions is 5:00 pm, Tuesday, August 20, 2024. The election and annual meeting for the Deer Mountain Sanitary District is September 3, 2024, at Gold Rush Plaza, 201 W. Main Street, Suite 301, Lead, SD & via Zoom; election from 5:00PM with annual meeting to follow.
Shari Kosel, Clerk Deer Mountain Sanitary District 11201 Juniper Court, Lead, SD 57754 Nominating Petition - must be printed front/back. Two-page petitions are not accepted. To all residents, fill dirt is available, Mainline will deliver and dump, email [email protected] if interested.
Customers in the area of Whitetail and Derby Court may be without water while the repair is made.
Whitetail will be closed as of Friday 7/19 at the highway entrance to the subdivision. Pipe and electric will be placed. Please take Deer Mountain Road until further notice.
Thursday, July 18
5 PM MT 201 W Main Street, Ste 301, Lead, SD There is no Zoom option for this meeting. AGENDA: Call to Order Approval of Business Agenda Approval of Treasurers Report/Accounts Receivables/Payable (removed from agenda) Discussion and Approval of Mainline Progress Billing Application #6/AE2S/Mainline Discussion and Approval of Mainline Change Order #3/AE2S/Mainline Sugarloaf Update/Legal Discussion only items: Items from the public Items from the trustees Adjourn to Executive Session to discuss contractual/legal issues (if needed) Next Scheduled Meeting August 9, 2024 ADJOURN Entrance to the Deer Mountain Subdivision via the highway and Whitetail Drive is open.
Friday, July 12
5:00 PM MT 201 W Main Street, Ste 301, Lead & via Zoom AGENDA: Call to Order Approval of Business Agenda Approval of Minutes of meeting 6/14/2024 Approval of Treasurers Report/Accounts Receivables/Payable Construction Update/Road Closure/AE2S/Mainline Approval of Progress Billings/AE2S/Mainline Update LC Highway Permit for New Waterline on Englewood/Brownsville Road/AE2S Discussion of PHP Purchase of 12 acres in DMSD Operations Update/Curb Stop Marking/Steve Sugarloaf Update/Legal Discussion only items: Items from the public Items from the trustees Adjourn to Executive Session to discuss contractual/legal issues (if needed) Next Meeting August 9,2024 ADJOURN Hi there, You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Jul 12, 2024 05:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. |
January 2025