Friday March 31, 2023
5:00 PM MT 201 W. Main Street, Ste 301, Lead SD & via Zoom Approval of Agenda Approval of Minutes of meeting 3/13/2023 Approval of Treasurers Report/Accounts Receivables/Payable System Wide Improvements/ Bid Discussion/Award Timeline/AE2S Sugarloaf Agreement Update/Notice of Termination BH Properties Easement documentation Update/BH Properties Discussion only items: Items from the public Items from the trustees Adjourn to Executive Session to discuss contractual/legal issues Next Meeting (TBD) ADJOURN Notice is hereby given that there is one (1) vacancy on the Board of Trustees for the Deer Mountain Road District for a three (3) year term. This open position has been served by Osbourne Enderby, and that term is complete. Petitions may be picked up by contacting the Lawrence County Auditors Office or [email protected]. Per 31-12A-1.1. To serve as a trustee of a county road district that has one hundred or more eligible voters, the person shall be a resident and landowner of the district. Completed petitions must contain the name of candidate, residence, business address, and the office for which the candidate is named and shall be signed by at least 5% of the qualified voters. Completed petitions must be returned to Clerk at the address below. The deadline for submitting the petitions is 5:00 pm, Monday, April 17. The election and annual meeting for the Deer Mountain Road District is Tuesday, May 2, 2023, at the road district office, 201 S Main Street Suite #301, Lead, SD 57754 & via Zoom; election from 5:00PM with annual meeting to follow.
Shari Kosel, Clerk Deer Mountain Road District 11201 Juniper Court, Lead, SD 57754 Published in the BH Pioneer March 18, 2023. Print the petition, must be printed front/back. Two page petitions are not accepted. We have been informed by Keating Resources that they will be burning 50 slash piles today on Deer Mountain.
Monday March 13, 2023
3:00 PM 201 W Main Street, Suite 301, Lead & via Zoom AGENDA: Call to Order Approval of Agenda Approval of Minutes of meeting 3/3/2023 Approval of Treasurers Report/Accounts Receivables/Payable Approval of Bond Resolution 2023-02 2nd Reading of Ordinance 2023-01 Review of CATEX as provided by the state. Review and discussion of resolution for opt out for tax year 2023 payable in 2024 Update of System Wide Improvements/ Final Plans/Bidding/Timeline/AE2S BH Properties Easement documentation Update/BH Properties Discussion only items: Items from the public Items from the trustees Adjourn to Executive Session to discuss contractual/legal issues (if needed) Next Meeting (TBD) ADJOURN This is to inform you that the trustees of the Deer Mountain Subdivision Road District are imposing the Spring weight load limits on all road sections within Deer Mountain Road District effective March 1 to approximately June 1 of each year (weather dependent).
Overweight penalties and damages will be charged to properties which may have authorized the exceeding of the load limits. Your cooperation is appreciated. Six tons per axle loads will vary with every vehicle. For estimating purposes:
October 2024