The water outage has been canceled due to cold weather. They will resume construction in the spring.
Highlighted address reflects installation of Meter, Meter Pit and Curb Stops. Mainline has ended their construction for the season and will complete the remaining work in the spring.
NOTICE: The district has begun installation of meter pits & meters throughout the subdivision. It is the property owners responsibility to indicate the location of the curb stop & service line for their property. In most cases the curb stop can be located by the Districts contractor. In the event when the curb stop is not located or if located and is inoperable or in some cases need to be added or relocated the property owner will be billed accordingly. Any questions please contact the district.
NOTICE: Please be advise that the DMSD has installed meters, meter pits and curb stops. Any damage incurred by private snow plows will be the responsibility of the property owner. All locations are marked with blue steel stakes. Whitetail Drive will be closed Monday, October 23 beginning at 8AM for continued water system construction. The road will be closed from Big Sky Drive to Mule Deer Drive.
From Mainline Contracting, Birch Ct. and Birch Dr. will be without water tomorrow (Thursday, 10/19) around 8 a.m. to install their curb stops, meter & meter pits.
October 13, 2023 5:00 PM MT 201 W Main Street, Lead, SD suite 301 & via Zoom AGENDA: Call to Order Approval of Business Agenda Approval of Minutes of meeting 9/5/2023 & 9/8/2023 Approval of Treasurers Report/Accounts Receivables/Payable Mainline Construction Update/Meter/Meter Pit installation Mainline Progress Billing #2 Discussion/Storage/AE2S Mainline Construction Schedule Update/AE2S Annexation Request/KR DMV/AE2S Operator Report/Maintenance/Repairs/DMV/DRM Easement Access/Skivcalo Agreement SJL Tract Update Aberle Complaint/Interrogatory Response/Update Discussion only items: Items from the public Items from the trustees Adjourn to Executive Session to discuss contractual/legal issues (if needed) Next Meeting November 10, 2023 ADJOURN Mainline had to shut off water while installing a meter pit. Water should be back on in an hour.
Mainline will be shutting off the water at the tank. Estimated for 4 hours. This will affect everyone in the sanitary district.
BH Co-op Electric will shut the power down, and that will effect our pump house. They estimated the outage to be from 12:30 to 2:30 on Tuesday, October 3, 2023.
Some residence may be without water during that time frame. |
January 2025