Wednesday, June 28
2:00-3:00 PM MT 610 East Blvd, Rapid City - Badlands Conference Room The pre-construction meeting will be held at the AE2S office. No board action or business will occur. The pre-construction meeting is with the contractor, the engineer, the DANR representative, the county representative and the owner. Typically such a meeting is hosted by the engineer at their office. FORIMMEDIATE RELEASE
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Mark Mayer, (605) 773-3754 PIERRE - Today the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DAN) announced that the Deer Mountain public water system and the system's certified operators have been awarded a Drinking Water Certificate of Achievement Award. The award is for outstanding water system operations and environmental compliance with statedrinking water standards for the past year. "Access to safe and reliable water sources is essential to keeping our families safe and our economy growing, " said DANR Secretary Hunter Roberts. "This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of South Dakota's drinking water system operators and their efforts to ensure their customers have access to clean drinking water." To qualify for the Drinking Water Certification of Achievement Award, public water systems and their system operations specialists had to meet all of the compliance monitoring and reporting requirements, drinking water standards, and certification requirements for 2022. Letter and Award Friday, June 9
5:00PM MT 201 W Main St, Lead, SD 57754, USA, Suite 301 & via Zoom AGENDA: Call to Order Approval of Agenda Approval of Minutes of meeting 4/28/2023 Approval of Treasurers Report/Accounts Receivables/Payable DANR Approval of Change Order DANR Request for Verification of Tax Assessment Authorization to sign DMSD/Mainline Contract Notice of Service of Aberle complaint/June 3, 2023 UFG Notice of Defense of Aberle Complaint/DMSD Counter Claim. DANR Safe Water Drinking Award/Update on System Operation/Steve AE2S Water Usage Estimated for District including the Current DMV Plan Discussion of June 27 LC Commission Meeting/DMV Updated Plan Discussion only items: Items from the public Items from the trustees Adjourn to Executive Session to discuss contractual/legal issues (if needed) Next Meeting (TBD) ADJOURN |
January 2025