Deer Mountain Subdivision Road District fall road work will take place on October 3rd and 4th. There will be heavy equipment performing a variety of road work throughout the subdivision, please be cautious.
Water will be out for approximately 2 hours in different locations due to meter pit installation.
Water will be shut-off in several areas for two hours as they continue repairs.
Water will be turned off for part of the day on Birch and Aspen as they continue leak repairs.
Work continues to fix the water leak. Water will be out on Aspen, Jack Pine & Birch today while they make the repairs. UPDATE 9/12/23: Water will again be shutoff at the above locations as they work to repair the leak.
DMSD Canvas of Election
Friday September 8, 2023 3:45 PM MT 201 W. Main Street, Lead, SD Suite 301 & via Zoom AGENDA: Call to Order Canvas Election Results from Trustee Election of 9/5/2023 Discussion only items: Items from the public Items from the trustees Adjourn to Executive Session to discuss contractual/legal issues (if needed) Next Meeting October 13, 2023 ADJOURN DMRD Trustees Meeting Friday September 8, 2023 4:00 PM MT 201 W. Main Street, Lead, SD Suite 301 & via Zoom AGENDA: CALL TO ORDER APPROVE AGENDA APPROVE MINUTES OF MAY 2, 2023 MEETING TREASURERS REPORT/RECAP OF REVENUE/ EXPENSES/PAYMENTS OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: MIDCO Fiber Installation APPROVAL OF DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS DUE IN SEPTEMBER DISCUSSION OF FALL/WINTER PREP/SNOW PLOWING Items from the public Items from the trustees Adjourn to executive session (if needed) Adjourn During the next two weeks installation of meter pits/meters will continue along Aspen Drive to Birch Drive, then Birch Drive to Whitetail Drive, then Whitetail Drive to Spruce Drive.
Any curb stop location that is not currently located in the road right-of-away and relocation is required the property owner may be responsible for the expense of relocation. Also if the property curb stop location is not marked or easily located there may be an additional assessment to the property owner, please mark the location of the property curb stop. NOTICE OF DMSD ELECTION
Early voting by appointment SAMPLE BALLOT Tuesday September 5, 2023 7:00 PM MT 21375 Mule Deer Drive, Lead, SD & via Zoom The meeting will begin immediately after the election closes and the results are tallied. AGENDA: Call to Order Announce Election Results Seat New Trustees Officer Election Approval of Business Agenda Approval of Minutes of meeting 8/11/2023 Approval of Treasurers Report/Accounts Receivables/Payable Mainline/AE2S Construction Update/Storage Operator Report/Maintenance/Repairs Update of Easement Access/AE2S Update of Aberle complaint/Interrogatory Response Timeline DANR Lead Service Pipe Inventory Report Discussion only items: Items from the public Items from the trustees Adjourn to Executive Session to discuss contractual/legal issues (if needed) Next Meeting October 13, 2023 ADJOURN |
January 2025