Notice is hereby given that there are three (3) vacancies on the Board of Trustees for the Deer Mountain Sanitary District for two three (3) year terms and one two (2) year term. One three-year position has been served by Dan O'Connor, and that term is complete. At a special election on September 1, 2022, District voters voted to increase the board to five (5) trustees. These two new positions are one three-year term and one two-year term. To be eligible to serve as a trustee, the person shall be a resident of the sanitary district or a United States citizen who owns real property within the boundaries of the sanitary district. Petitions may be picked up by contacting the Lawrence County Auditors Office or [email protected]. Completed petitions must contain the name of candidate, residence address, and the office for which the candidate is named and shall be signed by at least 5%, of the qualified voters. Completed petitions must be returned to Clerk at the address below. The deadline for submitting the petitions is 5:00 pm, Wednesday, August 23, 2023. The election and annual meeting for the Deer Mountain Sanitary District is September 5, 2023, at Gold Rush Plaza, 201 W. Main Street, Suite 301, Lead, SD & via Zoom; election from 5:00 PM with annual meeting to follow. Shari Kosel, Clerk Deer Mountain Sanitary District 11201 Juniper Court, Lead, SD 57754 Nominating Petition - must be printed front/back. Two page petitions are not accepted. Comments are closed.
January 2025