Last night we were informed of an illegal fire at a rental home. This rental home had provided a fire-pit for their guests. They did not have the required permit from the South Dakota Wildland Fire Division.
In addition, the Black Hills Fire Protection District has been in a Red Flag Warning for weeks due to the extreme winds and dry conditions. There have been numerous man-made forest fires in the area and we are extremely concerned as we enter the warmer months. This is serious and we need EVERY RENTAL AGENCY & PROPERTY OWNER to remove fire-pits if they don’t have the required legal permits. This is a disaster in the waiting and we need to be proactive now to prevent a forest fire. If you have a fire and don’t have a permit or follow the rules, the homeowner will be responsible for ALL COSTS OF THE WILDFIRE. 34-35-16. Permit required for open fire in Black Hills district--Violation as misdemeanor--Liability for civil damages. The starting of an open fire within the Black Hills Forest Fire Protection District by a person or a group of persons is prohibited unless a permit to do so is first obtained from the Department of Agriculture or from the United States Forest Service. An open fire as used in this section and § 34-35-17, is any fire to burn slash, brush, grass, stubble, debris, rubbish, or other inflammable material not enclosed in a stove, sparkproof incinerator, or an established fireplace approved or constructed by public agencies in designated recreation areas. A violation of this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor. Any person who violates this section is liable for civil damages for all injuries caused by the fire. There are only 8 homes in the subdivision that have the required permits to have a fire-pit. These residents are required to follow the laws if they wish to have a wood burning fire. Black Hills Fire Restrictions-Check this before starting any fire (permit required). Please note current restrictions include no charcoal grills or off-road ATV use. • NO BURNING IF WIND IS ABOVE 5 MPH • NO BURNING IF FIRE DANGER IS ABOVE MODERATE Everyone within the Deer Mountain Subdivision is required to have a burn permit if you wish to burn slash piles or for a wood burning fire-pit. FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR AREA, PLEASE FOLLOW ALL LAWS. Fireworks of any kind are NEVER permitted in the Black Hills Fire Protection District. For more information about rules, permits & current conditions, please visit our website. Shari Kosel Secretary/Clerk Deer Mountain Road & Sanitary Districts Comments are closed.
January 2025