DEER MOUNTAIN SANITARY DISTRICT TRUSTEES MEETING Friday, February 15, 2019 4pm, Recreational Springs Resort AGENDA:
Call to Order Approval of the Agenda Approval of Minutes - January 14, 2019 & September 24, 2018 Approval of Treasurer’s report President’s Report
Update on web site/blog site Anything else Adjourn Posted by Shari Kosel, Secretary 8:00PM MT February 13, 2019
Tom Burdick
2/14/2019 11:47:56 am
thanks for all the notice..less than 48 hrs notice..very obvious you dont want us cabin owners that live away a chance to be there!!
2/14/2019 04:31:28 pm
Yes Tom the disdain they have for cabin rental owners is obvious isn't it. They call a meeting less than 48 hours out and have it on a weekend they know our cabins will be rented as it's the 2nd busiest winter rental weekend we have. Hotels in Deadwood are full as well, pretty good chance they won't have to deal with the scourge they consider cabin rental owners at this meeting, unless we sleep in our cars!! We have NO rights, however we bare the majority of the cost on both the road district and the sanitary district. SD and the Black Hills do a great job promoting tourism, just not the locals I guess....
Shari Kosel
2/14/2019 04:36:41 pm
The Sanitary District does not own the water system. All questions regarding the water should be directed to Milan Investment Club. The Trustees of the Sanitary District must meet to conduct the business of the district when needs arise. This meeting was requested this week, with the required 24 hour notice given.
Shari Kosel
2/14/2019 04:37:36 pm
Mr. Burdick, this meeting was just scheduled so the Trustees can discuss current issues as they relate to the sanitary district and the ongoing negotiations with Milan Investment Club. Open Meeting Laws require a 24 hour notice. To effectively conduct business, the board will try to meet once a month, with more frequent meetings as needed. Comments are closed.
January 2025